
Refroidisseur à ailettes en aluminium

fournit une large gamme de solutions de refroidissement pour divers véhicules hors route, tels que les camions malaxeurs, les excavatrices, les bulldozers, les rouleaux, les chargeurs, les foreuses rotatives, etc.

  • Jinlianshun
  • Chine
  • 45 jours
  • 100 tonnes/mois
  • information

Plate-fin heat exchanger is a heat exchanger with fins as heat transfer elements. It has the characteristics 

of high heat transfer efficiency, compact structure, light weight and small size. It is widely used in 

construction machinery, air compressors, hydraulic systems. , power system, rail transit system, air 

separation equipment, food, medicine and chemical industry and other fields.

Aluminum Plate Fin Cooler

The storage requirements for plate-fin heat exchangers are as follows:

For plate-fin heat exchangers and spare parts to be stored, they should be stored in a dry, ventilated and 

pollution-free place. Because most of the equipment is used at low temperature, it is necessary to strictly 

prevent the entry of moisture and alkynes to ensure safe use. The temperature change causes ice heave 

cracking and alkynes accumulate inside and explode.Aluminum Plate Fin Cooler

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